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Tatars, make Your choice!


Tatars, make Your choice!

From publications in the media, we got to know about the intention of the chairman of Milli Shur, Vasil Shaikhraziev, to introduce a statement “on supporting a special military operation” into the resolution of the VIII Congress of the World Congress of Tatars.

While the Kremlin continues to shock the world with missile strikes on bus stops and shopping malls in Ukrainian cities;

taking into account the facts of publications in social networks by the Russian military themselves of terrible videos of the torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war, the removal of genitals;

realizing Moscow’s desire to shift responsibility for war crimes in Ukraine onto servicemen from among the peoples enslaved by Russia, in particular the Tatars,

The movement “Free Idel-Ural” addresses the delegates of the VIII Congress of the World Congress of Tatars:

  1. Do not allow the name of our people to be used in the interests of the Russian military and Moscow imperialism! Don’t let Shaikhraziev put to a vote a resolution containing words of support for the war in Ukraine! The prison of peoples will collapse, Tatarstan will gain freedom and independence, and you will be ashamed of your silence at the congress, and you will shamefacedly explain to your children and grandchildren why you supported Putin and Russia in their war crimes.
  2. Supporters of our movement will record the public protest of every brave Tatar. We will be grateful to them for their courage and the preservation of the good name of the Tatar people in these difficult times.
  3. The names of other delegates who, because of their cowardice, personal gain or ideological devotion to Moscow, will not protest the war, will be put by us in the List of warmongers. We will send this list to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the states from which the delegates will arrive. We have already begun appropriate consultations, and we will make every effort to ensure that your conscious support for Moscow’s policy finds due reaction in the countries of your residence.
  4. If you are cowards and if you cannot openly declare that there are no interests of the Tatars in this crazy war, you may choose at least not to come to the congress. Don’t wipe your feet on our national flag. We are a separate people, not the attendants of the Kremlin fascists. Be worthy of the name of your people!

Vil Mirzayanov (USA)
Rafis Kashapov (Great Britain),
Farit Zakiyev (Turkey)
Rosa Kurban (Turkey),
Kamil Sukaev (USA),
Nafis Kashapov (Poland),
Dinar Minkaev (Netherlands),
Dinar Sagdeev (Netherlands),
Nafisa Gubaidullina (Montenegro),
Irshat Habi (USA),
Zulfira Boyko (Ukraine)
 the list is constantly updated.


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