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The twin brothers, Kashapov, need support!

The twin brothers, Kashapov, need support!

Rafis Rafailovich Kashapov was born on July 2nd 1958.  At the time of his last arrest, he lived in Russia, the republic of Tatarstan, the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny.  Chairman of the Naberezhnye Chelny branch of the Tatar Social Center (TOC).
He was sentenced to 3 years for braking criminal codes 282, and 280.1 of the Russian Federation to a place of deprivation of liberty, was held from 28th December 2014 until his release on 27th December 2017.  In 2017 amnesty international's human rights organizations (AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL), Agora, Memorial, Sowa and Union of Solidarity recognized him as a political prisoner, as prosecution was carried out on charges of an offence that whose composition was absent, with a violation of the right to a fair trial and for applying a disproportionate act of detention.
When he was serving his sentence in colony IK-31 and IK-19 in the Komi Republic, because of the repressive actions of the employees Federal Penitentiary Service his health worsened. He was kept in a cold cell which caused him to twice suffer from kidney inflamation, throat, ear inflammation and twice lost consciousness.
On December 12th, 2016, in the colony of EC-31 EPCT after supper, Kashapov's blood pressure dropped sharply, medical assistance was not provided. Only after the prisoners of EC-31 EPKT rebelled did he receive medical assistance. In fact, you could to say that his life was saved by the prisoners. On February 7th 2017 Kashapov’s lawyers reported that he was transferred to the prison hospital of ik-18 in Ukhta in the republic of Komi, Ik-18, and diagnosed with open stomach ulcer and low blood pressure. These facts prove that Russia's authorities are trying to "break" the prisoners. While he was serving the sentence in the colony, his supporters in different countries held numerous activities in his defence and to bring his case into the public domain.
Rafis Kashapov’s supporters, friends and families who demanded the release of Rafis Kashapov were subjected to various kinds of persecution and punishment by the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
 These are some of his supporters that suffered:
Nurziya, Rustam, Ildar Kashapov, Danis Safargali, Aidar Halim, Vera Lavreshina, Mansur Musin, Dmitry Stepanov, Nail Nabiullin, Vadim Samoilov, Emil Kamalov, Sergey Kryukov, Airat Shakirov, Vitaly Tanakov, Galishan Nuriahmetov, Nailhan Mikey, Azat Salmanov, Ruslan Garifullin
After his release, on 7th February 2018, a trial of Rafis Kashapov was to be held on the embankments Chelny to consider the appeal of the police for the appointment of administrative supervision. Due to the threat of re-arrest, he left Russia for Ukraine. On the 23rd May 2018 Rafis Kashapov arrived in London and asked for political asylum from the UK.
In the period from 1990 to 2018, major searches were conducted of the companies offices and apartments where the brothers were living and worked - Rinat, Nafis, Rafis, Ruzalin Kashapov and their companions.
On 2nd July 2000 on the birthday of the twin brothers Rafis and Nafis Kashapov the office of the Tatar Public Center (TPC), (Address: New City 17/10)  was stormed by firefighters and swat. This special operation was led by three FSB officers. At the time of the search, 15 activists suffered physically.
On 29th May 2002, an organized attack was carried out on the new premises of the headquarters (Address: New City 18/06 apartment of wife Nurzii Rafis) by a group of persons in black masks. The 6 activists of the Tatar Public Centre were brutally beaten and Rafis Kashapov received  18 (eighteen) Bone Fractures, concussion and cranial trauma.
After that, was in the emergency ward in hospital. As a result of the attack, Gabdulla Shaisultanov became disabled in the first group, and Rashit Hafizov subsequently passed away, Sania Vakhitova became disabled and is still being treated today. The organizers and customers of this crime have still not been found.
On the evening of November 15th 2002, Rafis Kashapov was hit by a light car near the embankments of Naberezhnye Chelny near the City Hall and received another concussion injury. There is reason to believe that this was organized by the intelligence services.
On 25th March 2003 the chairman of the Tatar Public Center was arrested and placed in detention on a fabricated charge of the issuing of  Tatar Public Center leaflets (article 282 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation). On the same day, numerous searches were carried out in the apartments of activists and relatives of  Rafis Kashapov, as well as being blackmailed and intimidated.
The Naberezhnye Chelny City Court decided to send Rafis to the Kazan psychiatric hospital for a survey. On May 27th 2003 he started a hunger strike in protest, with a dry hunger strike - completely refused to receive food and water.
Under arrest he spent 3 MONTHS and 8 days he was released from the mental hospital only thanks to the massive protests of human rights defenders and the general public of countries near and far.
On April 7th 2008 in respect of Kashapov Russia's power structures were charged with instituted criminal proceedings under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the responsibility of inciting inter-ethnic and interreligious strife. He was recognized by the fabricated criminal case guilty on part 1 of article 282 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement of hatred or enmity) and sentenced to a year and a half imprisonment.
In 2005 twin brother, Nafis Kashapov was forced to emigrate to Ukraine for political reasons. Now a well-known public figure Nafis Kashapov, lives in exile in Warsaw.
In March 2015, shortly after the arrest of brother Rafis on the last court case, Poland provided Nafis Kashapov political asylum. In the Russian law enforcement authorities in the relationship of Nafisa Kashapov four criminal cases have been instituted. Two of them, on the article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("incitement of hatred or enmity, and the humiliation of human dignity") on 9th February of this year by the Regional  Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
The two others raised on 10th and 26th February the employees of the investigations department on article 280.1 Criminal Code.
Rafis Kashapov is in absentia suspected of part 1 of article 282 of the criminal code (incitement of hatred or enmity), involving 2 to 5 years of colony. According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation until 29th April 2018 the expat in Ukraine published on his page some "text and images that, according to the results of the study, excite hatred and enmity". unfortunately, criticizing official persons in Russia, the more President Vladimir Putin is getting more dangerous.
The right of both brothers to enter Russia, the republic of Tatarstan even to see their family is simply impossible, for them only the doors of Russian prisons are open. Nafis's eldest son is ill and he needs qualified doctors.
The Twin Brothers, Rafis and Nafis Kashapov in the 1990s were successful entrepreneurs in the republic of Tatarstan. They provided free financial and material assistance (4 BILLION RUBLES), the revival and development of the national language and culture of the Tatar people. They were provided with sponsored financial assistance for the development of native language, culture, traditions, religion, education, science, media, writers, artists, scientists, children's homes, disabled people, the tatar diaspora in the middle and far abroad. The books and brochures of dozens of titles in general millions circulation have been published and distributed. Humanitarian Assistance has been provided to peoples affected by war conflicts, deportations (Chechens, Ingush, Abkhazs, Crimean Tartar, refugees from Azerbaijan from Nagomo-Karabakh and those affected by white house shelling).
Almost immediately after Putin's arrival to power, their business structures in Tatarstan were destroyed by Russia's power structures. Because the introduction of independent financial activities aimed at the revival of the Tatar people and its education, history, culture and religion is not provided by the Russian authorities.
Kashapov are now based on the rules and norms of the UN are involved in numerous actions in the protection of the rights of the indigenous peoples of Russia, condemn Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and Syria, and also fruitfully work to protect prisoners.
Rafis Kashapov because of the consequences of the cranial head injury (severe bruised, partial damage to the left part of the brain, fracture of the base of the skull) for long years has suffered from headaches. Also because of deprivation of freedom still suffers with open stomach ulcer.
For many years the Russian authorities have been working against Rafis Kashapov and the companions. Therefore to expose the Russian Authorities  criminal actions he needs lawyers.

Communications to give them financial assistance; to restore health, payment of legal services and for the arrival of family and lawyers of Rafis and Nafis (compensation of road costs) to England and Poland.

Rafis' wife: Kashapova Nurzia Rivtatovna, Russia, Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, tel: +7 917 855 63 74.
1.Number of the card VTB24: 4714870027338636 (Kashapova Nurziya Rivgatovna)
2. Requisites of the account Kashapova N.R. (RUB):
Name of the beneficiary's bank: Branch No. 6318 of VTB Bank (public joint-stock company)
BIC of the beneficiary's bank: 043601968
TIN of the beneficiary's bank: 7702070139
K / S of the beneficiary's bank: 30101810422023601968
Beneficiary's account in the beneficiary's bank: 40817810302484007741
3. Requisites of the account Kashapova N.R. (USD):
Beneficiary Bank (Beneficiary Bank): PJSC VTB BANK, MOSCOW, SWIFT: VTBRRUMM
Beneficiary (Receiver): KASHAPOVA NURZIYA account: 40817840702484006422
4. Rafis' daughter: Ilyuza Kashapova Rafisovna, PayPal: ilyuza.kashap@gmail.com, owns Tatar, Russian and English.
5. Rafis' son: Kashapov Rustam Rafisovich, Russia, Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, tel: +7 960 068 89 68, fluently speaks Tatar, Russian and English.
Kashapov Rafis Rafailovich, address; England, London, Croydon. bodies; + 44 746 774 48 92, e-mail: toz.milliet@gmail.com.
Kashapov Nafis Rafailovich, Poland, Warsaw, tel; + 48 729 383 420, e-mail: NafisKashapovTT@gmail.com.
The All-Tatar Public Center (WCO) supports this petition.
Russia, the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan.
Sincerely, Chairman of the Erzyan Val Society - Alexander Bolkin (Bolyan Sires), Ukraine, Kiev, tel: 098 095 18 26, 066 416 59 22.
Sincerely, Danchenko Yuri Valeryevich Yalta, Warsaw; PayPal yuryyalta@gmail.com, tel: +48 783 223 995, e-mail: yuryyalta@gmail.com

On the photo: Rafis on the day of liberation and Nafis during the action.


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