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Please recognize the holodomor organized in the last century in the republics of saw - urals, a crime against humanity!

US President Donald Trump,
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson,
The Chancellor of Angela Merkel,
French President Emmanuel Macron,
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
Turkish President Recep Erdogan,
The President of Poland Andrzej Duda,
Finnish president Sauli Niinistö,
President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenskomu.
Please recognize the holodomor organized in the last century in the republics of saw - urals, a crime against humanity!
The crime of the communist state of the USSR against its own citizens is still recalled by echo in the memory of the current generation.
We remember the holodomor organized by the communist regime. Millions of residents of Ukraine, volga region, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Northern Caucasus, South Ural, Western Siberia have become victims.
These monstrous crimes, organized according to the scenario of the Moscow Kremlin, only in Ukraine according to different estimates claimed the lives of about 7 million Man. In those years, there were no cases of cannibalism in the country. Subsequently, repression was imposed against these odious people and against the disgruntled actions of the authorities.
Ukraine has achieved the recognition of the holodomor of the genocide from many countries of the world community, while the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) adopted a resolution on the recognition of the holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933 as a crime against humanity.
In the republics of saw - the urals were also affected by hunger. The Communist leadership of the country and their friends in the field have long been hiding from the world community and their own population the extent of the genocidal genocide. The facts of the cannibalism have been hidden. Russian historiography and Kremlin politicians took this topic. They are still silent about these scary pages of their newest history.
The famine in the volga region was organized twice in 1921-22 and in 1932-33 The consequences of the holodomor and in the 20 s and in the 30 s were very heavy. But the most important and sad outcome of these crimes was the irreparable loss of the population, which mostly touched the so-called national minorities.
According to the modest count, the hunger of the life of more than 5 million people. Magazine "Commercial Power" № 3 from 23.01.2012 on bldg. 46 leads to an extract from Archival Documents :" the peasant of the volga region, mukhin, said to the investigator: we used to eat cows, horsemeat, dogs and cats, choose bones and peremalyvali them. There's a lot of bodies in our village. They are laying down the streets or folding in a public barn. I went to the barn in the evening, took the boy's corpse for 7 years, on sled brought him home, destroyed the axe to small parts and boiled. During the day we ate the whole corpse. Only one bones left. In Our Village, many eat human meat, but it hides ". and such cases in the volga were fixed by thousands.
During the holodomor, it was impossible to leave your locality or district, shot on the spot to prevent the publicity of the tragedy. Thus, it was according to the Kremlin's plan in the union republics and the autonomy of the USSR that colonized peoples were destroyed by the holodomor.
The extent of hunger was such that Moscow was forced to withdraw the bans on foreign aid. This helped her to avoid international condemnation and recognition of acts of genocide against her own people. If it was not for help from foreign charities, losses could have been much more.
In connection with the foregoing, we want to remind the wide circle of the public that besides the European Parliament, to the 85th anniversary of the holodomor in Ukraine, the un has also adopted a special resolution. This document was supported by 38 states. The Holodomor of 1932-1933 was recognized as an act of genocide of the Ukrainian people such countries as: USA, Canada, Poland, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Georgia, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico and Vatican...
Dear Presidents and dear leaders of all democratic countries, we look forward to broad international support and ask you to contribute to the issue of the holodomor organized against the peoples of the saw - urals, in the un special commissions and in the parliamentary assembly of the council of Europe.
In the name of the affirmation of humanity and democratic values, no crime against humanity should remain investigated and unpunished!
In Warsaw, an action was organized, dedicated to the date of adoption of the United States Congress "the law on the injured peoples" from 1959 Activists of the organization of the council of the foundation " open dialogue " and " Euromaidan Warsaw " participated in the event.
Rafis Kashapov, at the memorial to the victims of the holodomor "Candle of memory" in the park of glory in the pechora district, Kiev, Ukraine.
On the action of "the week of the tribes of the peoples" wheel mirzaânov - the prime minister of independent tatarstan in exile with the flag of tatarstan on the picket in front of the Capitol, USA.
The Representative of the " free saw-Ural " - Kamil Sukaev, held a single picket within the annual " week of the injured peoples ", USA, New York,
Rosa kurban - a scientist, a writer, organized a conference and discussed the topic of the union of the struggle of finno-Ugric peoples of saw-Ural, " tөrek učaklary " (" türk ocakları "), Turkey, Ankara.
Rafis kashapov - zam. The Prime Minister of the government of independent tatarstan in exile, a member of the presidium of the vtoc, one of the co-Founders of the "free saw-Ural" Movement, Kazan - Kiev - London,
Nafis kashapov - zam. The Prime Minister of the government of independent tatarstana in exile, the representative of the "free saw-Ural" movement in Poland,
Bolâenʹ Bolâenʹ - Chairman of the society " Érzânʹ Val ", Co-founder of the movement " free saw-ural ",
Maxim Sytnikov is a representative of the open dialogue fund.
Irek garif - head of the society of tatars of Australia "Turan", Adelaide, Australia,
Gênêk gênêk - human rights activist, Warsaw, Poland,
Vera lavrešina - civil activist, Moscow, Russia,
Vladimir Kostenko - public figure, Washington (Washington), USA,
Sergey Kryukov - public and public officer, Kiev, Ukraine,
Sarah šaroevskaâ - human rights activist, Istanbul, Turkey,
Andrey Romanov - magnitogorsk activist, political expat, Finland,

Daria Polyudova is an activist and leader of the "left resistance", Moscow, Russia.


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