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30.5.21: Türkdilli xalqlar, türkdilli dövlətlər, onlara dost olanlar, bi...


  1. Appeal to the Turkic peoples of the Russian Federation, Central Asia and the Caucasus!

    Turks rise up in the example of the Turks of Turkey and in Great Britain!

    Recently, Ruslan Kutaev, who is Chechen, addressed Rafis Kashapov regarding the construction of the Fountain of Friendship of the Turkic Peoples in Turkey, my twin brother generally supported Ruslan's idea. Later, Roza Kurban joined this project and actively began working. The Fountain of Friendship of the Turkic Peoples currently has half of the representatives of the Turkic world supporting this project. Especially in this case, the patriots of the Turkic peoples of Turkey and in England have been active, but the Turkic peoples of Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus are passive, so I decided to write an appeal.

    As we all know, the Turkic peoples include: Turks, Uighurs, Tatars, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Crimean Tatar people, the Chuvash, Kyrgyz, Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Tuvans, the Khakass people, Shorians, Gagauz, Karakalpaks, Meskhetian Turks, the Altai people, Teleuts, Chulyms, the Karachay, Balkars, Kumyks, Nogais, Karaites, Khorasani Turks, the Kashkai people, Salars, Khalaj, the Yugra people, Dolnai, Khotons and the Tofalar people. Thus, there are more than 300 million Turkic-speaking peoples that live in the world.

    Each Turkic people has its own national holidays, memorable historical dates, days of military glory and tragic dates, which means that this all needs to be conveyed on the monument to the Fountain of Friendship of the Turkic Peoples in Turkey. Representatives of each people can freely gather at the monument with a sense of pride for the valiant feats and achievements of their ancestors, which will remain in the memory of our descendants forever.

    I would like to remind you that the Turks of Great Britain are actively engaged in public activities that contribute to the opening of new horizons for cooperation between the peoples of Europe and Asia. When holidays or tragic events are commemorated they are always in solidarity with the Turkic world.

    In the spirit of completing this project, it is necessary to create a team with representatives of the Turkic peoples that includes the participation of historians, politicians, cultural figures, lawyers, journalists and business people where they will be able to actively participate in designing this project.

    Dear peoples, to those who are ready to assist and contribute to solving the above tasks of the consolidation of the Turkic peoples, you are welcome to offer your rich experience in developing and participating in our common cultural activities for the future of the Turkic world. I ask that you contact the organizers of this project, each of them has personal Facebook pages.

    Full information about the organizers can be found here: Turks will revive the monument - Fountain of Friendship of the Turkic Peoples in Turkey! http://tatar-toz.blogspot.com/2021/05/blog-post_30.html

    In the photo: London, leaders of Turkic organizations, Atilla Abacioglu - head of the Turkic Peace Platform and Rafis Kashapov - Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in Exile, member of the Presidium of the All-Tatar Social Center (VTOTs) and one of the co-founders of the Free Idel-Ural movement, Great Britain.

    P.S. Please translate this appeal and offer to send it to public, political organizations and the media of the Turkic peoples.

    With all respect!
    Nafis Kashapov, representative of the Free Idel-Ural movement in Poland.


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