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Putin - to The Hague!

Уважаемые друзья!

Это первая работа Дамира из Мексики при Правительстве Независимого Татарстана, он расылает данное обращение в СМИ Канады. Огромное ему спасибо и здоровья!
Но, еще нужно рассылать данный текст в СМИ, таким странам, как: США, Англию, Индию, Австралию и Европу.
Кто еше берется за это дело, добро пожаловать!
Putin - to The Hague!


Putin - to The Hague!

Appeal of the Government of Independent Tatarstan to all countries and peoples regarding the decision of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. On March 17, the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for the criminal V.V. Putin. Not all sovereign countries recognize the court’s global jurisdiction, but we implore you, as intelligent people, to study the evidence of the appalling crimes presented by the court that were committed against the citizens of Ukraine. If you consider yourself humanists and stick to these principles, look the terrible truth in the eye and admit it. The Russian terrorist regime has committed horrendous crimes, the evidence of which is present not only in Ukraine, but also in Chechnya, Georgia and Syria. We, as representatives of the Tatar people, solemnly declare that the country called the Russian Federation no longer exists. In its stead, we recognize the existence of a gang of criminals led by V.V. Putin and a country called Moscovia. This gang, with the help of a terrorist organization called the Federal Security Service (FSB), has constructed a repressive network around the territories of conquered and enslaved people, and by means of terror and violence, is trying to preserve its power. They have completely abandoned their humanness. They do not recognize, nor do they comply with Russian or international laws. Furthermore, they posses a colossal stock of nuclear weapons and dare to threaten the entire human civilization! Considering this deadly weapon along with their inability to control it, their aggressive nature and gross incompetence, the situation creates a looming danger of a global catastrophe that can occur at any moment. We, the Government of Independent Tatarstan, as representatives of the Tatar people who left their native lands due to the oppression and lawlessness of these Moscovian criminals, have created a representative body abroad. We are trying to save our people because these criminals have trampled on the lawful will of our people. Our history, education and identity are being systematically eradicated and have already reached the point of no return! We, Tatars, cannot afford to let this happen any longer! The Moscovian invaders almost destroyed our native language, along with those of all the colonized peoples of Russia. We urge you to stop cooperating with these criminals, to stop believing their hypocritical promises, as lies are a common means for them to manipulate and deceive, and which they use as a weapon in lobbying their interests around the world. Also, we emphasize that Russia has no right of representation in the UN and other international organizations. We call for a ban on the participation of Russian state institutions in any and all activities of Western partnerships, where they can potentially influence and hinder the adoption of important decisions. We, the Government of Independent Tatarstan, call on all civilized countries, political elites, international organizations, representatives of major international capital and the community of journalists to stop cooperating with this criminal terrorist regime headed by Putin and the FSB. Economic expediency and political benefits are not more important than human life and the existence of an entire nation! Do not believe the false "state bodies" of these criminals and, do not prosecute people who fled Russia saving themselves from this lawlessness. It would be foolish to say that dictators are a thing of the past... Today the leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un, the ruler of China Xi Jinping, the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad, and Alexander Lukashenko the usurper of power in Belarus are referred to as dictators. One way or another, two things unite all dictators: tough, sometimes bloody grip on power and hatred of neighboring countries. We already know what the fate of modern day dictators usually entails... Now it is definitely time for the world to challenge this malevolent and criminal regime and take its deadly nuclear weapons and place them under reliable international control before they lead the entire world to disaster! We, the Government of Independent Tatarstan, call on Western countries and the entire civilized world to recognize that this colonial terrorist empire called "Russia" can no longer exist since it generates only hatred and destruction. The collapse and disintegration of Russia is inevitable. We, the Turkic-Tatars, remain the second largest ethnicity in Russia after Russians. Yet our culture, language, history, customs, traditions and national identity are on the verge of extinction. In whatever parts of the world we find ourselves, we need to unite and fight for our survival as a nation and for our Independence! Do not be afraid of Russians as we are not afraid of them. Help us return our independence by recognising our claim for it! We propose a controlled decolonization of Russia, the recognition of our Government of Independent Tatarstan as the only legitimate representative body of Tatarstan and the recognition of the Independence of Tatarstan as a subject of international law on the basis of a referendum on March 21, 1992, in which 61.4% of the participants voted "for" the sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan. Prime Minister of Independent Tatarstan - Rafis Kashapov, Deputy Prime Minister of Independent Tatarstan for National and Religious issues - Aida Abdrakhmanova, Deputy Prime Minister of Independent Tatarstan for Sports - Nafis Kashapov. https://tatar-toz.blogspot.com/2023/04/putin-to-hague.html


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