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Prospects for the Turkic world

28 December 2023

At the end of November, an extended meeting of the Government of Independent Tatarstan (PNT) was held in exile. The theme of the extended meeting, which rather resembled a Round Table, was: “Strengthening cooperation between Turkic socio-political organizations and the ideas that we can offer for the Turks.”
The first to speak was Rafis Kashapov, the Prime Minister of the Independent Government of Tatarstan in exile. He noted that Orenburg is an important strategic corridor for protecting the peoples of Idel-Ural. And he called for work in this direction for the decolonization of Russia. And also, I expressed gratitude to Nurlan Saltaev, the PNT Representative in exile in the Republic of Kazakhstan, for covering our activities throughout the Turkic world. “Our Government and other Kazan socio-political organizations are actively working with the Tatars,” Rafis Kashapov, lifting the curtain, shared secret information.
Nafis Kashapov – deputy. Prime Minister of the PNT for Sports in Exile, a representative of the Free Idel-Ural movement in Poland spoke about the need to create an international multinational information service. “Information warfare is stronger than weapons to show the falsity of Russian propaganda,” he said. Today, information warfare is carried out on various platforms for the dissemination of mass information. One of our advantages in this direction is that all the peoples and regions enslaved by Muscovy, together in various directions, expose and deliver an information blow to our common enemy – Russia. This is a plus, but work in this area really needs to be globalized.
“Information policy for common understanding should primarily be carried out in a common language – Russian,” suggested Lachin Mamishov, a socio-political figure from Azerbaijan, representative of the Government of Ichkeria in Switzerland. The advice for the PNT in exile (following the example of Ichkeria) was: “concluding an agreement with the relevant structures of the Ukrainian government and creating the armed forces of the PNT as part of the foreign legion of Ukraine in order to have its own ready armed force – this is completely legally justified.”
Serikzhan Mambetalin – an independent politician, ecologist, former vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted that recently the process of unification of the Turkic peoples has gained serious momentum – Summits of Turkic-speaking states are held, but only the issues of the participating countries are raised there, the problems of the Tatars are not addressed , Uighurs in China, Azerbaijanis in Iran. “We want to raise this issue at a high level in Turkey. In May 2024, we want to hold a large kurultai of Turan (as a political event) in Istanbul with the invitation of Turkish President Recep Erdogan, representatives, delegates of all Turkic peoples, ethnic groups, yurts. Announce the creation of Turan. This event will be broadcast live on Turkish TV channels. Now we need to build joint work with Turkey. And we would like to hold this Kurultai annually, as the Majlis of the Turkic peoples,” Serikzhan Mambetalin said in his speech. The idea of ​​creating Turan and uniting the Turkic peoples has existed for quite a long time. And apparently, there are prerequisites for holding the first congress of representatives of the peoples of Turan. Undoubtedly, Turkey, as one of the most powerful Turkic countries, could become the basis for further unification and assistance to various Turkic peoples. But we will see whether a political decision on this issue will be made in Turkey only next year.
Taking a break and listening to the participants of the meeting, Refat Chubarov expressed his vision of cooperation between the Turkic peoples through the prism of Russian aggression in Ukraine. Refat Afande called for work towards making the Turks aware of the criminal nature of Moscow, not to participate in this criminal regime, and to find ways to discuss this problem with their peoples.
“Diasporas abroad should participate together with Ukrainians at various pickets, actions and rallies, and join forces. Together we will achieve Russia’s defeat in the war with Ukraine,” said Refat Chubarov. He also added that an important goal is to train our personnel and work with young people. We need to take this valuable advice into account, since our main goal is the decolonization of Russia and the acquisition by the peoples enslaved by Muscovy of their own independent democratic states.
Farit Zakiev – Chairman of the VTOC in his speech called: “Influence the collective West, the UN, the members of the Security Councils to fight fascist Russia, so that they tighten sanctions against Russia and expel them from the UN.”
“The Turkic world is a political and economic project that includes vast spaces, with a supranational vision, which is based on 3 components: Language (a key factor of identity), Culture and religion, a common history and understanding oneself in this history,” began his speech Artem Khan is a representative of Kyrgyzstan, editor of the “Truly” project.
PNT representative in exile in the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Saltaev noted that: “From a geopolitical point of view, the existence of an independent Idel-Ural is beneficial to all Turkic states.”
One of the founders of the Tatar National Movement identified one of the main tasks as training the Turkic elite, its personnel, to work proactively. “Russia has laid a lot of mines – there must be a government strategy.”
Yuliy Shulipa, Honorary Consul of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria in Ukraine, gave a legal assessment of the position of Tatarstan in international law and advised: “Try to obtain a Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada – to recognize the temporary occupation of the Republic of Tatarstan, the genocide of the Tatar people, the sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan represented by the NPT abroad by R. Kashapov. “
Also taking part in the Meeting were Maria Ochir, an archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, a member of the Oirat-Kalmyk people, Nikita Andreev, a member of the national liberation movement of Sakha-Yakutia, Anvar Kurmankaev, a representative of the international organization of the Supreme Council of the Nogai People, Shamil Amangildin, a member of the Executive Committee of the Bashkir national movement abroad, Pavel Zheleznyak, Yulia Faizrakhmanova, Tagir Minibaev and many others.
The extended session was moderated by Aida Abdrakhmanova, Deputy Prime Minister of the PNT in exile for national and religious issues and a member of the League of Free Nations. “This experience of holding an extended meeting is quite new for us. We, if we take into account the time interval from the day of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine until today, are pioneers in this matter. I think that in general everything went well,” Aida Abdrakhmanova shared her impressions.
Rizvan Kubakaev, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Independent Nogai Republic, and Oleg Magaletsky, the ideological organizer and head of the project “Forum of Free States of Post-Russia,” also sent their welcoming speeches to the Round Table. Let us, perhaps, end with a greeting message from Vladimir Kostenko, a public figure from the USA: “Long live the Turkic world, the revived Turkic civilization throughout the world – from the Far East to Cyprus!”
Пресс-служба Правительства Независимого Татарстана в изгнании


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