К основному контенту

On behalf of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, we thank the Union of Officers of Ukraine!

26 February 2024

On February 21, in Ukraine, in Kyiv, the international scientific and practical Conference “National Resistance to Russian Aggression: The Joint Struggle Continues” was held, which was initiated by the Union of Officers of Ukraine. The organizers focused significant attention on the issues of the struggle of peoples enslaved by Russia against the imperial regime of the Moscow Kremlin, informational counteraction to Kremlin aggression (journalists and war) and expanding opportunities for the liberation of peoples enslaved by Russia.

The government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, represented by Prime Minister Rafis Kashapov and member of the Government Aida Abdrakhmanova, as well as the ex-mufti of Ukraine, and now a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Said Khazrat Ismagilov, were invited to take part in this Conference. We shared our vision of the joint struggle of Ukraine and the peoples enslaved by Muscovy against imperial Russia. Rafis Kashapov called on the Ukrainian authorities to recognize the independence of the Republic of Tatarstan, as this will inspire Tatars from all over the world and give impetus to a more violent struggle against Moscow. Aida Abdrakhmanova noted that “information warfare is one of the strategic areas in which we need to work harder and more actively in order to influence the channels of information delivery.” Said Ismagilov called on Ukraine at the state level to recognize the right of the enslaved peoples of the Russian Federation to self-determination and the construction of independent national states; support at the international level the national liberation movements of the enslaved peoples of the Russian Federation, and become their lawyer and lobbyist in the world and promote national liberation movements in information and human rights policy.

In addition to members of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, respected Alla Dudayeva, Akhyad Idigov, Rustam Zhangozha, Joni Kvaratskhelia, Elgudzha Kavtaradze, Oleksandr Varakuta, Sinaver Kadyrov, Isa Gambar, Aslan Artsuev, Khagani Jafarli and many other public took part in this online Conference figures, and members of the Union of Officers of Ukraine, honorary professors, scientists, public figures, and human rights activists of Ukraine spoke directly at the Conference offline.

The unexpected culmination of this Conference was the presentation of a certificate of honor on behalf of the Union of Officers of Ukraine to the Prime Minister of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile Rafis Kashapov “For significant contribution to supporting the struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence, many years of human rights activities, the fight for freedom of thought and expression, decisive resistance to the Kremlin to the regime!” signed by the Head of the All-Ukrainian public organization of the Union of Officers of Ukraine, Colonel Alexander Sasko!

Also, members of the Union of Officers of Ukraine expressed special gratitude to Nafis Kashapov, a member of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, who has been fighting the criminal Kremlin regime at the international level for many years.
On behalf of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile, we thank the Union of Officers of Ukraine and personally one of the co-organizers of the conference, respected member of the Union of Officers of Ukraine Elkhan Nuriev, for the honor and hope for long-term cooperation! We especially thank the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, NNI Journalism of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the leadership and staff of the Central House of Officers, the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, KNUTD – “Kiev National University of Technology and Design”, DUIT – “State University of Infrastructure and Technology”, the Crimean League for the Defense of Human Rights, the Anti-Putin Information Front, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, the Anti-Imperial Bloc of Peoples, the Crimean Tatar Resource Center and all the organizers and participants of this important Conference.

Nurlan Saltaev – Representative of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Rais Mukhutdinov – Ambassador of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile to the Republic of Turkey;
Vyacheslav Sivchik – Honorary Consul of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile in the Republic of Belarus; Pavel Zheleznyak – Representative of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in exile in Ukraine.
Правительство Независимого Татарстана


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