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Moscow occupiers added the Government of Independent Tatarstan in Exile to the list of “extremist organizations”

 Moscow occupiers added the Government of Independent Tatarstan in Exile to the list of “extremist organizations”

On 25 July 2024, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation added the “Government of Independent Tatarstan in Exile” to the updated list of “extremist organizations” whose activities are banned in Russia and whose members now face criminal prosecution. (https://www.idelreal.org/a/minyust-rf-opublikoval-spisok-organizatsiy-vhodyaschih-v-nesuschestvuyuschee-antirossiyskoe-separatistskoe-dvizhenie-/33051847.html). In the document of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the “Government of Independent Tatarstan in Exile” is listed along with 54 other national and regional organizations as a structural subdivision of the “Anti-Russian Separatist Movement”, which on 7 June of this year the Supreme Court of Russia recognized as an “extremist organization” and also banned its activities in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The inclusion of 55 organizations as “structural divisions” of the Anti-Russian Separatist Movement shows the monitoring of us and our work by Russian special services, their interest in identifying such organizations and subsequently applying repressive measures to their members, providing for criminal punishment. The main goal of using repression is to intimidate national and regional activists and, as a result, stop their activities, both in Russia and abroad. Many representatives have already been declared “foreign agents”, and “extremists” and are defendants in criminal cases. These include the Government of Independent Tatarstan members in exile Rafis and Nafis Kashapov. ( https://www.idelreal.org/a/protiv-tatarskogo-aktivista-rafisa-kashapov-vozbudili-vtoroe-ugolovnoe-delo/32986766.html )

Earlier, we already noted that the “Anti-Russian Separatist Movement” is a non-existent organization, or rather, invented by Russian security forces. (https://activatica.org/content/5e0db30c-3081-4336-b441-2ed7364add0e/izvestnogo-tatarskogo-aktivista-obvinili-v-terrorizme). Thus, Russian security forces united organizations that, in their opinion, pose a threat to the integrity of the so-called Russian Federation. Many of the organizations “from the list” are based on organizations or leaders who, for many years, while in Russia and living abroad, have waged a political struggle to observe democratic values ​​in their regions and republics, to observe the rights of their non-Russian peoples in Russia, to preserve the right to study native languages, for the equal distribution of natural resources and profits from them, to preserve the ecology in their republics and regions, and are also open opponents of Russia’s war in Ukraine and oppose the mobilization of representatives of their peoples for Russia’s imperial and criminal war in Ukraine.

In Russia, our organizations have supporters of the idea of ​​independence of the republics and regions from Moscow. The leaders, leaders of movements and activists are the very “mouthpiece” that highlights the real problems and violations of the rights of peoples in the republics and regions in the international political arena, seeks allies in gaining independence and gradually changes the political agenda towards a peaceful and controlled decolonization of Russia for the common good in Europe, Eurasia, and the whole world. Therefore, such a political step on the part of Russia is relatively natural, since we are a serious threat to the Russian regime, which wants to preserve not only its evil empire but also expand it by capturing neighbouring independent countries.

Aida Abdrakhmanova – member of the Government of Independent Tatarstan in Exile, vice-president of the Anti-Imperial Block of Nations



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